Where Does Rapid7 Inc (RPD) Stock Fall in Software

A rating of 90 puts Rapid7 Inc (RPD) near the top of the software industry – applications according to InvestorsObserver. Rapid7 Inc’s score of 90 means it scores above 90% of industry stocks. Rapid7 Inc also received an overall rating of 49, which puts it above 49% of all stocks. Software – Application is ranked 137 out of 148 industries.

RPD has an overall score of 49. Find out what this means for you and get the rest of the RPD leaderboard!

What do these notes mean?

Trying to find the best stocks can be a daunting task. There are a wide variety of ways to analyze stocks to determine which ones perform best. InvestorsObserver makes the whole process easier by using percentile rankings that make it easy for you to find the stocks that have the strongest analyst valuations. These rankings allow you to easily compare stocks and see what the strengths and weaknesses of a given company are. This lets you find the stocks with the best short and long-term growth prospects in seconds. The combined score incorporates technical and fundamental analysis to provide a comprehensive view of a stock’s performance. Investors who then want to focus on analyst rankings or valuations can view separate scores for each section.

What’s going on with Rapid7 Inc Stock today?

Rapid7 Inc (RPD) stock is trading at $96.49 at 2:27 p.m. on Friday, February 4, up $2.86, or 3.05% from the previous closing price of $93.63 . The stock has traded between $92.85 and $96.49 so far today. The volume today is light. So far, 200,505 shares have been traded with an average volume of 523,922 shares. Click here for the full stock report for Rapid7 Inc. stock.

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