Software – Application Stock Everbridge Inc (EVBG) should be in your portfolio on Friday?
A rating of 47 places Everbridge Inc (EVBG) in the middle of the Software – Applications industry according to InvestorsObserver. Everbridge Inc’s score of 47 means it scores higher than 47% of industry stocks. Everbridge Inc also received an overall rating of 33, putting it above 33% of all stocks. Software – Application is ranked 119 out of 148 industries.
What do these notes mean?
Stock analysis can be difficult. There are tons of numbers and ratios out there, and it can be hard to remember what they all mean and what counts as “good” for a given value. InvestorsObserver ranks stocks on eight different metrics. We categorize most of our scores by percentiles to make it easier for investors to understand. A score of 33 means the stock is more attractive than 33% of stocks. These scores are not only easy to understand, but it’s also easy to compare stocks to each other. You can find the top stocks in an industry or find the sector with the highest average score. The overall score is a combination of technical and fundamental factors that provides a good starting point when analyzing a stock. Traders and investors with different goals may have different goals and will want to consider other factors than just the overall number before making investment decisions.
What’s going on with Everbridge Inc stock today?
Everbridge Inc (EVBG) stock is up 0.9% while the S&P 500 is down -1.16% at 12:32 p.m. Friday, December 3. EVBG gained $0.97 from the previous closing price of $107.89 on volume of 331,567 shares. Over the past year, the S&P 500 is up 23.38% while the EVBG is down -17.03%. EVBG has lost -$2.94 per share over the past 12 months. Click here for the full Everbridge Inc. stock report.
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