Is Phunware Inc (PHUN) stock on top of software
Hill 63 InvestorsObserver gives shares of Phunware Inc (PHUN) the spot near the top of the software – applications industry. In addition to scoring more than 97% of stocks in the Software – Applications industry, PHUN’s overall rating of 63 means the stock scores better than 63% of all stocks.
What do these notes mean?
Stock analysis can be difficult. There are tons of numbers and ratios out there, and it can be hard to remember what they all mean and what counts as “good” for a given value. InvestorsObserver ranks stocks on eight different metrics. We categorize most of our scores by percentiles to make it easier for investors to understand. A score of 63 means the stock is more attractive than 63% of stocks. Our proprietary rating system captures technical factors, fundamental analysis and the opinions of Wall Street analysts. This makes
The overall rating of is a great place to start, regardless of your investing style. Scores ranked in percentiles are also easy to understand. A score of 100 is high and a 0 is low. There’s no need to try to remember what’s “good” for a bunch of complicated ratios, just pay attention to the higher numbers.
What’s going on with Phunware Inc stock today?
Phunware Inc (PHUN) stock is trading at $2.75 at 11:45 a.m. on Thursday, December 30, up $0.07, or 2.61% from the previous closing price of $2.68 . The stock has traded between $2.60 and $2.77 so far today. Today the volume is low. So far, 2,030,412 shares have been traded against an average volume of 16,717,089 shares. Click here for the full stock report for Phunware Inc. stock.
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